Open Projects

How it works

Women Entrepreneur IP Accelerator

Creative people are really good at creating, discovering and designing. But, do they know how to build a prototype, manufacture or protect IP? We are here to help.

After many years of helping friends in the manufacturing and IP protection stages of their project, a group of talented friends found the need to create this non-for-profit to help others with their experience and knowledge in engineering, priduct development and IP protection.

Canadian Creativity Overseas

We match artists, groups, authors, creators and designers with potential clients that haven’t discovered their creations.

Once an idea is conceived, most inventors face a big dilemma: how to technically mass produce and protect their product. At CCN, we help address this dilemma by providing you with the necessary tools and resources to make your idea a reality.

Accelerator Programs

Open Projects Participants Registration Status
Promotion of Canadian Creativity Overseas 0 FREE Coming Apr. 1, 2019
Women Entrepreneur IP Accelerator 1 FREE Open
Manufacturing and IP Protection 10 FREE Closed
Limited Incubator Program 5 FREE Closed

Relevant IP Facts

Small and medium-sized businesses that hold IP are:

64 percent more likely to be high growth

3 times more likely to engage in product innovation than those without IP

2 times more likely to engage in other types of innovation

4 times more likely to export

Reporting 8 to 10 times more revenues than those not using IP

Canadian Creativity Overseas

We match artists, groups, authors, creators and designers with potential clients that haven’t discovered their creations.

Once an idea is conceived, most inventors face a big dilemma: how to technically mass produce and protect their product. At CCN, we help address this dilemma by providing you with the necessary tools and resources to make your idea a reality.